'VARSITY NOTICE. - Bond, Mason, Hallowell, Collamore, Miller, Emmons. Newell, Grant, Fitzhugh, D. W. Shea, Waters, will be at my room, 5 Matthews at 2.15 sharp. Corbett, Fearing, Lake, Club, Gage and Trafford will be dressed in the Carey building at 3.00 sharp. The following men will be dressed in the Carey building at 3 30 sharp: Mason, Waters Grant, Highlands, Val, Bangs, Mackie, Berry, Emmons, Newell, Collamore, Hallowell, Lake, Sherwin, Gray, Bond, G. B. Pierce, Curtis, Davis, Saltonstall, Rantoul, W. H. Shea, Brice, Burgess, White, McNear, Blagden, Eddy, Steedman, Robb, Heard, Fearing. If it is impossible for any of the above men to be ready on time they must see me at 5 Matthews before noon.
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