
Ninety-two vs. Ninety-three.

The second game of the class championship series takes place this afternoon on Nortons field at 3 45. The elevens will probably line up as follows:


Gray, (left-end) Dibblee.

Weed, (left-tackle) Cary.

Jones, (left-guard) Slade.


Walcott, (centre) Rolers.

McKay, (right-guard) Broughton.

Hubbard, (right-tackle) Ellsworth.

Putnam, (right-end) Chew.

Lockett, (quarter-back) Stevens.

Green, (half-backs) Parker.

Cook, (half-backs) Thatcher.

Forbes, (full-back) Duffield.

The '92 substitutes will be Greenough, Brown, Spa ding, and Loring, and probably Newell, who has played on the team for two years. Fairchild and Pike are the '93 substitutes. The game should be a very close one as the teams are about evenly matched, but if '93 play the game that they have played at times this year, the chances are that they will win. '92 has had very hard luck this year in having a number of her best men injured so that the team has been weakened considerably.
