

'VARSITY NOTICE. - The following men will be dressed in the cage ready to tackle at 3.30 sharp: Mason, Waters, Grant, Highlands, Vail, Bangs, Mackie, Berry, Emmons, Newell, Collamore, Hallowell, Gage, Cobb, Corbett, Lake, Gray, Bond, G. B. Pierce, Curtis, Davis, Saltonstall, Rantoul, W. H. Shea, Burgess, White, McLeod, Hilton, Griswold, McNear, Blagden, Eddy, Steedman, Robb, Heard, McKeon, Fearing. If it is impossible for any of the above men to be ready at 3.00, they must see me at 5 Matthews before noon.

B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.FRENCH 1a, section IV will meet here after on Tuesday and Thursday, (not Friday as announced by mistake) in Sever 20, at 10 a.m., in Sever 11 on Saturday at 10 a.m.

F. C. de SUMICHRAST.FRESHMAN ELEVEN. - The following must report at 3.30 p.m. sharp on Norton's field: Wadsworth, Pierce, Wardner, Webb, Murchie, Whitten, Richardson, Wrenn, McNear, Jackson, Hyler, Boyden, Adams, Walker, Teele, Potter, Mills, Hitch, Phelan.

R. L. WHITMAN,Temp. Captain.'94 ELEVEN. - Following men must be on Norton's field at 3.30 sharp: Lee, Whitney, Williams, Blake, De Rochement, Davis, McDonald, Coves, Ladd, Weed, Cary, Gleason, Cabot, Garrison, Earle, Borden, Gardner, Harrison, Jackson, Hoag.

R. B. BEALS,Captain.'92 ELEVEN. - Gray, Weed. Allen, McKay, Pinkham, Jones, Hubbard, Brown and Spaulding must be out on Norton's at 4. Lockett, Green, Cook, Forbes, Greenough, Loring and Walcott at 3.30.

