
Notes from the Office.

A change has been made in the time for handing in petitions. It has been customary heretofore to receive petitions as late as 10 o'clock on the morning of a Faculty Meeting, i. e. every other Tuesday. Now the Administrative Board has charge of petitions, and as it holds its meetings the day before the Faculty meetings, petitions must be handed in by 10 o'clock on Monday. The meetings of the Administrative Board are held every other Monday beginning with last Monday, October 26.

A change has also been made in the counting of the prescribed courses in English. While English D was in existence, the courses counted as follows: English A was one course, and the other three made up another course between them, English B counting as .6, C as .2, and D as .2. When English D was merged into English C the .2 of a course went too, and at the beginning of this year the courses stood: English A counting as a full courses, English B .6 and English C as .4. Now, however, English B and C are counted as half a course each.
