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The freshman class is giving its eleven very poor support. In the game which the team played on Jarvis field a week ago no one would have known that there were any Ninety-five men on the field; all the encouragement which the eleven got came from upper-classmen and other spectators. In Saturday's game with Worcester Academy the case was still worse. The freshmen who were on the field stood about in an utterly listless and uninterested manner. Their conduct was in marked contrast to that of the Worcester men, who were exceedingly demonstrative in their loyalty to their team. Cheering and applause is a sort of moral support which athletic teams of all sorts must have if they are to do their best work. This is especially true in foot ball; the players must be kept up to a high pitch.

The freshman class must give its eleven better support than it has up to this time. The Yale freshman eleven is playing a remarkably strong game. It will take a very good team to defeat it, and our freshmen must not fail through lack of loyal and enthusiastic support. The members of the class should not only attend the scheduled games of their eleven, but they should go out and watch the practice of the candidates. It is encouragement of this sort which will keep the team working hard all the time; and hard work is all that will win the game with Yale.
