
Fact and Rumor.

The Yale Glee Club gave $1,800 to the crew last year.

W. T. Bull the famous full back is coaching the Yale eleven.

The Yale freshman will play the Princeton freshman eleven Nov. 11.

Adee, Yale '95, has been appointed temporary captain of the freshman eleven.

One hundred and ten men have been taken into Memorial from the waiting list.


Professor Hill, of the Chemistry department, is to lecture to the seniors of M. I. T.

The second number of the Lampoon is out. It appears in a new and appropriate cover.

Harvard entrance examinations were held for the first time last June in Tokio, Japan. Six candidates presented themselves, two of whom entered the Law School.

The freshman games at Yale which were postponed on account of rain, will take place tomorrow afternoon.

There are 499 students in English A, 141 of whom are special students and upper-classmen who have failed in the course.

The present dining room at the Foxcroft has been enlarged by the removal of the partition next to the west reading room.

The following men have gone to the Yale freshman training table: Adee, Longacre, Colt. Hill, Pringle, Donaldson, Whitney, Sheffield, B. Thorne, Auchincloss.
