
The Yale Team.

Bull, Yale's great fullback of three years ago, reached New Haven last Thursday and is now giving the foot ball men their first regular coaching.

Stillman has been playing centre but it is only because Paine's health has prevented his playing well. He has improved in both now, however, and it is thought that the crew man will be the center rush. On Paine's left will be Heffelfinger, and on his right S. Morrison, probably. He has not yet returned to college, but is expected by Nov. 1st. With their three men Yale will have a very strong centre. Beard is now playing in Morrison's peace but he is poor. Hartwell will be at his old position on the left end, and right end will go either to Crosby, who is now playing it or Hinckey, who is to be tried soon. Mills, last year's substitute, is expected to play one of the tackles but for the other a good man seems lacking. Winter and Messler are being tried. Sanford, the big freshman, who was so promising at first is slow to learn and is now playing on the second eleven. Back of the line the team is much stronger. Barbour is generally reported as having greatly improved at quarter, and a new half back has appeared - Dyer. He is very promising and will be given a good trial until McClung gets out again, which will be ten days, while the Bliss Bros. will make Dyer work hard it he is to be a permanent half back. At full back Noyet is by no means a 'varsity man, but Bull is coaching McCormick and the latter is improving rapidly. So that while at present some of Yale's best men are not playing, they will begin soon, sue will have good coaching and ought to send a splendid team to meet Harvard.
