
Special Notice.

PACH'S STUDIO. - Mr. Tupper extends a cordial invitation to members of the freshman class to visit the studio. Pach Bros. having been class photographers for many years, have a full line of athletic, theatrical and society groups on exhibition. Lowest figures on frames.

17-3tWILL the fellow who took by mistake from Memorial last night a dark brown Collins and Fairbanks stiff hat, please leave the same in the auditor's room.

LOST. - Sunday a number four Waterman stub fountain pen. Will finder kindly return to 50 Weld.

FOUND. - In a recitation room a sum of money. Owner can obtain it by applying to A. K. Jones, janitor.

WANTED. One or two copies of Hauff's "Lichtenstein." new or second-hand. Communicate with


B. G. WATERS,13 Matthews.ITALIAN 1. - Tutoring in preparation for each lesson at a small cost per week. Last year two men tutoring together learned enough Italian by the end of Dec to make mid-year tutoring unnecessary. Call from 6.30 to 7.30 p. m.

CHAS. L. MIX. A. M.,24 Grays; middle entry.WANTED. - A room-mate at 66 Thayer. Inquire of porter or at 12 Kirkland Place.
