

ADVOCATE meeting at 7.30 tonight, 23 Holworthy.

THE first regular shoot of the Harvard Shooting Club will take place today at 2 o'clock, at the Allston club grounds. The Founder's cup will be shot for. Everyone is urged to attend. Any one wishing to join the club may do so at the grounds. Match A will be opened today.

C. B. PIKE, Secretary.'92 ELEVEN. - All candidates must be out on Norton's at four sharp.

J. I. PUTNAM, Captain.'92 NOTICE - There will be a meeting of last year's junior crew at 7.30 p. m., Wednesday, October, 21st, at 10 Shepherds block.

J. O. PORTER.ALL candidates for the freshman crew, except those playing foot ball, must be dressed and in the rowing room at 4.45 sharp.


D. F. JONES.'94 ELEVEN. - All candidates must be on Norton's at 3.30 sharp.

R. B. BEALS,Captain.MANDOLIN CLUB. - Rehearsal in 1 Weld at seven o'clock tonight. Let all new men who received notices be present.

LEVERETT THOMPSON,Secretary.THE secretary of the Harvard Rowing Club will be at his room, 3 Littles Block, daily from 9 to 10 a. m., to give out membership tickets.

ALL candidates for the freshman eleven report on Norton's at 3.30 p. m. sharp.

R. L. WHITMAN,Temp. Captain.'93 ELEVEN. - Dibblee, Chew, Cary, Falk, Hale, Pike, Slade, Rogers. Broughton, Winslow, Stevens, Malone, Duffield, Fairchild and Thacher be dressed on Norton's at 3.45, to play Hopkinson.

'VARSITY NOTICE. - The following men will be dress-d in the cage ready to tackle at 3.00 sharp: Miller, Waters, Grant, Highlands, Vail, Bangs, Mackie, Berry, Emmons, Newell, Collamore, Hallowell, Gage, Cobb, Corbett, Lake, Fearing, Sherwin, Gray, Bond, G. B. Pierce, Curtis, Davis, Saltonstall, Rantoul, W. H. Shea, Brice, Burgess, Malone, White, Phelan, McLeod, Fogg, Hilton, Griswold, McNear, Blagden, Eddy, Steedman, Robb, Heard, McKeon, A. B. Pierce, Fearing, Mason.

B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.LOST in Cambridge in vicinity of Harvard Sq, on Saturday, Oct. 3d, a ladies open-faced silver watch and chatelaine heavily oxidized. Finder will please return to 41 Hastings Hall.

