1. Is Mohammedanism, now, a helpful or retarding power in the world?
2. Is Mommsen right in remarking that the Drama was the form of literature for which the Romans were best fitted? (Consult Cruttwell's History of Roman Literature).
3. Can the historical novel truthfully represent the life of the past?
4. Which side had the better of the argument in the "Ouecrelle des Anciens et des Modernes"? (Consult Saintsbury) History of French Literature.
5. Does not Calderon's continual disregard of all the "Unities" justly exclude him from the rank of great Dramatic Poets? (Consult Ticknor's History of Spanish Literature on "Unities," on "The Dramatic School of Hofe de Vega," and (passim) on "Calderon.")
6. May the Architecture of the Cistercian Order in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries be properly called Gothic? (Consult Moore's Gothic Architecture.)
7. Are the American people undergoing a progressive nervous degeneration? (Consult Geo. M. Beard, American Nervousness, N. Y., 1881.)
8. Is the traditional notion of personal identity proved erroneous by the recent discoveries concerning the trance state and double consciousness? (Consult Pierre Janet, L'Antomatisme psychologique; James: "The Hidden Self" in Scribner's Magazine.
9. Would a reciprocity treaty with Canada be the best settlement of the Fisheries Question?
10. Should the Bennett law in Wisconsin be repealed?
11 Is there reason to believe that prison reform legislation and discipline tend to increase rather than diminish crime? (Consult article by Andrews in recent Forum.)
12. Is the anomalous legal position of the Indian responsible for the failure of our Indian policy? (Consult J. B. Thayer; A People with no Law.")
13. Is partisanship or independence in politics preferable?
14. Was Aaron Burr guilty of treason? (Consult Parton's Life of Aaron Burr; Wilkinson's Memoirs.)
15. Was the Continental Congress a government?
16. Did the Feudal System exist in England before the Norman Conquest?
17. Was it wise policy on the part of Germany to annex Alsace-Lorraine?
18. Is there sufficient reason for believing that plants and animals can live together in a state of symbiasis, i. e., a mutually beneficial parasitism?
19. Are the continents permanent or instable.
20. Do the facts now known by geologists bear out the supposition that any of the geological periods indicate worldwide changes in organic and inorganic conditions?
Where references have been omitted they will be given in the printed schedule later.
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