The practice of the candidates for the 'varsity eleven yesterday afternoon on Jarvis was watched by a very large crowd. It was the first regular day's work, and the number of men who presented themselves as candidates was much larger than it has been any time before. Besides Captain Trafford, Hallowell, Newell, Lake Corbett of last year's eleven were out. The others who handed in their names were as follows:
J. C. Hubbard '92, G. W. Nicola '92, G. B. Pierce '93, N. Rantoul '92, B. G. Waters '94, W. Weed '92, H. Oppenheim, S. L. Friedenberg '93, C. W. Purrington '93, E. W. Pinkham '92, S. M. Brice '93, D. R. Vail '93, F. W. Cobb D. S., W. B. Gage '94, G. E. Burgess '93, Phelan, '95, D. W. Shea '94, W. C. Mackie '94, C. B. Bawsen '95, J. C. D. Hitch '95, E. R. Knapp, C. H. Mills '95, F. W. McNear L. S., E. E. Clark, G. A. Gray '95, Grant '95, F. Davis. Jr., M. L. Scull, S. Eddy, F. V. J. McKeon, H. D. Weed, S. M. Williams '94, A. M. White '92, G. B. Black, L. J. Malone '93, M. Ladd '94, A. Latham '92, T. J. Daggett, R. B. Beals '94, W. J. Quigley '94, R. W. Emmons '95, W. C. Forbes '92, W. Hoag '94, C. W. Boyden, E. H. Rogers '93, D. Blagden '93, L. B. Thatcher, C. B. Pike '93, W. Carey '93, G. Collamore '93, G. S. Curtis '92, S. Bardeen Jr. '94, S. V. R. Thayer '94, E. B. Saltonstall '94, R. L. Manning '95, J. P. Roman, R. P. Blake '94, J. L. Putnam '92, W. M. White.
After some preliminary work two elevens were chosen and a short game played. The make-up of the teams changed often, as Captain Trafford tried different men in the same position in order to get a better idea of his material. The play was very fair for so early in the season; the work of the backs is better than that of the lines. Corbett scored one touch-down for the first eleven by a run around the end. With this exception the playing was very even. The practice was watched by Dean, of last year's team, and G. A. Stewart '84. The latter with George Adams will have charge of the coaching. Mr. Lathrop will teach the candidates how to tackle, and Dr. Conant will again superintend the training.
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