
Special Notice.

INSTRUCTION in German and French by a man of several years' experience in University work and recommended by members of the faculty. Call or address, H. T., 49 Wallace Street.

16-6t.WANTED. - A James Psychology and a Lyall's Geology. Leave address at Leavitt & Pierce's.

MR. WARWICK COX, of Hill Brothers, London, is inviting inspection of the firms new patterns for the winter, during the current week at Parker House.

16-4t.FRONT ROOM. - I have leased a good furnished room, but now have a chance to take a college room. I wish to rent the former at a low price. Call today. C. T. Tatman, 37 Trowbridge St.

FOR SALE. - A Setter, four months old. Enquire at 96 Prescott St.


WANTED. - A James Psychology and a Lyell's Geology. Leave address at Leavitt & Pierce's.

HARVARD BOSTON LATIN SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. - There will be a meeting of the association in Grays 22 on Wednesday, Oct. 21st, at 7 o'clock. All B. L. S. men, whether members or not, are requested to attend.


E. R. REED, Sec.ELLIOT & DUVEY, the furniture movers, packers and shippers, wish to announce that their new party barge, ANNABELL will seat 24 persons. The best barge in the city. Two or four horses. Discount to societies. Office, 1 Holyoke Street, corner of Harvard.

