

HARVARD DINING ASSOCIATION. - There will be an important meeting of the Board of Directors tonight at 6.30.

CHARLES R. NUTTER.'91 MEN and others can secure copies of the Harvard Portfolio at the regular prices at 14 Stoughton. The price will be advanced in a few days.

UNIVERSITY CREW. - All the candidates not playing foot ball will be dressed to row at 4.15, Bartholomay and Stearns at the boat house, the others at the rowing room.

G. H. KELTON,Captain.EVERY subscriber who does not receive his CRIMSON regularly will please inform the Business Manager by postal card.

EDITORS of the Monthly meet this evening in 57 Thayer, at 8 o'clock sharp.


'92 ELEVEN. - Practice on Norton's field: Hunt, Grenough, Forbes, Green, Cook, Hubby, Weed, Henry, Lockett, at 3.30. Caterall, Gray, Gansen, Hale, Jones, Walcott, Allen, Stearns, McKay, Hall, Brown, Spaulding, Pinkham, Oliver, Newell, Bates, Thorndike and all other candidate at 4 sharp.

J. G. PUTNAM,Captain.'95 ELEVEN. - The following men report at the gymnasium dressed at 3.30 sharp: Wadsworth, McNear, Wardner, Richardson, Heard, Boyden, Teel, Allice, Pierce, Kaven, Murchie, Potter, Webb, Raymond, Jackson, Phelan, Casewell, Mills, H. P. Walker; R. D. Wrenn.

ROOM-MATE of good character wanted for a room in Hastings. Address

C. T. D.,Crimson Office.
