Harvard defeated Williams on Jarvis Field Saturday by a score of 26 to six. Two half hours were played. The Harvard eleven did not play a good game, and its work taken all in all was discouraging. More discouraging still, however, were the injuries which some of the players received. Shea had a cord in his knee very badly strained. His leg has been put in splints and he will not be able to come out again for at least ten days. Emmons had his back wrenched. He was ill from the effects of the hurt all Saturday evening, but Dr. Conant hopes to have him out again in a few days. Gray also was in poor condition to play, his wrist being very tender.
It was largely to the retirement of Shea, Emmons and Mason that Harvard's poor showing was due. In the last part of the game both ends were very weak, and Williams gained around them by the old criss-cross trick. The centre men played a poor defensive game, and especially during the early part of the game, the visitors had no trouble in forcing their way through. Harvard's tackles played a good, steady game; they were the only men in the rush line whose worked seemed thoroughly effective all through the game. The backs all did well. Gage is improving at quarter back, in both tackling and following the ball. Gray played a very plucky half back game, while Lake's and Trafford's work is both brilliant and reliable.
In the game on Saturday Harvard pursued her rushing tactics entirely; Trafford not once punting the ball. Harvard's general style of play was very effective at offensive work, and whenever she got the ball she did not relinquish it till she scored. The defensive work, however, as has been stated, was weak.
Williams played a good game, but her men were unnecessarily rough throughout. Bothne played a good game in the rush line and La Fayette's holding out of the left end was very effective. Sure that half back gained strongly through Harvard's centre; and Garfield did good work both in line breaking and in running around the ends.
Harvard had the east end of the field and the ball. Lake, Gray and Trafford all did their share in carrying the ball up the field through the holes which Newell and Shea made between tackle and end.
At the 30 yard line Harvard made two downs without gain. Upon the third the ball was passed to Gray who made a beautiful run through the whole Williams team and scored. Goal.
Williams fumbled at the kick-off and Emmons fell on the ball. Mason blocked off well for Trafford around the right end and a gain of 20 yards reruled. Lake and Gray carried the ball to Williams' fine Gray went between Shea and Emmons for the second touch down. Goal.
Williams assumed a strong offensive game, and with the help of her three backs and Harvard's weak center play, soon forced the ball to the Crimson's line. Street made the touch down. Score, 12-6.
Harvard began to play with something like energy, and from the center of the field, kept the ball till Lake made the touchdown. Goal. Harvard's ground gaining was done by the three backs and Newell. Score at end of first half, 18-6.
At the beginning of the second half Williams kept the ball for ten minutes and steadily forced Harvard back. She was finally forced to kick; and in two minutes Harvard had rushed the play three-quarters the length of the field and scored. No goal. Lake scored again in three minutes. No goal. During the rest of the game, till the last two plays, Williams kept the ball.
La Fayette, Allen and Mason were disqualified. Mr. McLean, of Williams, was referee, and J. Morse, L. S., umpire.
The teams:
Mason, (rt. end) LaFayette.
(Curtis), Newell, (rt. tackle) Nelson.
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Rev. Andrew Oliver '42.