PIERIAN SODALITY. - The rehearsal announced for Thursday is postponed until next week.
MEDIAEVAL SEMINARY. - Students wishing to join the Seminary in Mediaeval History will meet Professor Emerton on Thursday, October 15th, at 3.30 p. m., in Harvard 6.
12-20.HARVARD ELECTRIC CLUB. - There will be a meeting in the club room Lawrence 2, on Thursday evening, Oct. 15th.
T. HOPPIN,12-2t.
Secretary.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB. - There will be a meeting of the club at 33 Thayer, Thursday, Oct. 15, at 8 p. m. All members are urged to be present.
A. LATHAM,Secretary.FRESHMAN ELEVEN. - The following men be on Norton's field at 3.45 sharp: Heard, Pierce, Teel, Webb, Wadsworth, Richardson, Kevan, Mills, McNear, Raymond, Jackson, Brown, Adams, Boyden. The following men report to Dr. Sargent a 2 p. m. for physical examination: Brice, Everett, Livingood, Stein, Murchie, Wardener, Linder, Bent and Stevenson.
R. L. WHITMAN,Temp. Captain.GREEK 10 will meet at the appointed hour on Thursday, Oct. 15, but the lecture will be omitted on Saturday, Oct. 17, because of the meeting of the N. E. Association of colleges and high schools, to be held in Harvard 1.
JOHN WILLIAMS WHITE.'92 ELEVEN. - All candidates for the senior eleven will be at the gymnasium at 2 o'clock this afternoon to be examined. The college office will excuse them from any recitations which may conflict with this appointment.
A. M. WHITE, JR.H. A. A. - Freshmen and all others who have not joined are urged to do so at once. Office hours from 11 to 12 every day except Thursdays and Saturdays. Those who find it inconvenient to call during these hours may sign the blue book and leave five dollars at Thurston's. Their shingles may be obtained there within a week of signing.
R. B. REALS, Sec.,
12 7t.
23 Weld.'94 ELEVEN. - The following men will be on Norton's at 3.45: Weed, Mac Donald, Blake, Whitney, Ellis, Ladd, Quigley, Borden, Gardner, Hoag, Lee, Davis, De-Rochemont, Williams, Gleason, Loring, Garrison, Harrison, Macallister, Paine. All other candidates must be out Thursday at 3.30.
R. B. BEALS.'VARSITY NOTICE. - The following men will be dressed in the cage of the Carey building at 3.45 sharp: Emmons, D. W. Shea, Vail, Bangs, Rantoul, Newell, Collamore, Gage, Gray, Lake, Miller, Pierce, Grant Berry, Steedman, Burgess, MacNear, Oppenheim, Davis.
B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.LOST. - Monday afternoon, a Waterman fountain pen, (stub), between University Hall and Jarvis, probably at the Gym. Please leave at Table 36, Memorial.
HARVARD LAWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION. - The annual fall tournament for the championship of the college will begin on Monday, October 19. The events will be singles and doubles, and all men must take part who expect to be candidates for either tennis league next spring. A blue book will be found at Leavitt & Pierce's, where the prizes will be put on exhibition.
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