
Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association.

The Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association was formed in 1883, and delegates met at Hartford from Amherst, Brown, and Trinity colleges. When the constitution was formed, Yale was admitted, and invitations to join sent to Harvard and Williams. The first championship tournament was held Oct. 9, 1883, at Hartford. The winners were: In singles, H. A. Taylor, '86, Harvard; second place, L. Thorne, '85. S., Yale. In doubles, Taylor and Presbrey, of Harvard were winners, with Thorne and Knapp, Yale, second. In 1884, Princeton and Lehigh were admitted to the association. The winners in '84 were: Singles, W. P. Knapp, '86, Yale, first; G. M. Brinley, '88, Trinity, second; doubles, Knapp and Thorne, Yale, first; Brinley and Wright, Trinity, second.

At the first tournament of the association, played in 1885 on the New Haven Lawn Club grounds, the winners were: Singles, W. P. Knapp, Yale; second, G. M. Brinley, Trinity. In doubles: Knapp and Shipman of Yale. In 1886, Columbia was admitted. In 1887, P. S. Sears, Harvard, took first place in the singles, with O. S. Campbell, Columbia, second. In doubles, first, P. Sears and Shaw, Harvard; second, Hall and Campbell, Columbia. In '88, Sears won, with Campbell second; and Campbell and Hall won the doubles, with Sears and Shaw second. In 1889, R. P. Huntington, Yale, won first place; while in 1890, Hovey, Harvard, was first, with Howland, Yale, second. Chase and Shaw, Harvard, won the doubles. The second, then, is as follows: -


1st. 2d. 1st. 2d.

Harvard 4 0 3 1


Yale 3 3 3 3

Trinity 1 2 0 2

Columbia 0 2 2 1

Brown 0 1 0 0

Amherst 0 0 0 1

The cup is now held by Harvard.

The annual tournament will be held on the grounds of the New Haven Lawn Club, beginning this morning and continuing the remainder of the week. O. S. Campbell of Columbia and R. P. Huntington of Yale have been graduated, and are, therefore, dropped from incollegiate contests.

All of the colleges will send strong teams, the full list of entries being as follows:

SINGLES.Yale - L. R. Parker, '92; W. P. Fish, '92; and J. Howland, '94. Harvard - F. H. Hovey, R. D. Wrenn and G. F. Brown, Princeton - W. V. Johnson, R. McCormick and Jenny. Columbia - E. P. McMullen and Chandler. Trinity - R. H. Mallory and Hamlin. Stevens - W. A. Ludlow. Dartmouth - W. T. Gunison and Brown. Williams - G. A. Avery, Anderson and Smith. University of Pennsylvania - C. T. Lee and Wilson. Brown - J. Jones, A. Brown and W. P. Smith. Cornell - W. H. Larned and E. G. White.

DOUBLES.Yale - L. R. Parker, '92, and J. Howland, '94; L. C. Sanford, M. S,, and A. J. Shaw, '93. Harvard - F. H. Hovey and R. D. Wrenn; G. Brown and W. Orcutt. Princeton - The McCormick brothers; W. V. Johnson and Jenny. Columbia - E. D. McMullen and Chandler. Trinity - P. H. Mallory and Hamlin. Dartmouth - W. T. Gunnison and Brown. Williams - G. A. Avery and Anderson. University of Pennsylvania - C. T. Lee and Wilson. Brown - J. Jones and A. Brown. Cornell - W. H. Larned and E. A. White.
