
Special Notice.


NINTH SEASON. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler will open a class in Dancing and Deportment for beginners at O id Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 6. at 8 o'clock p.m. Terms, $6 for 12 lessons; $12 for 24 lessons. A course of Germans will be given early in Nov. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, cor. Main and lnman Sts., Cambridgeport.

TO LET. - Two large rooms on ground floor, 38 North Ave.

5 7t.GEO. MENDALL TAYLOR teacher of piano-forte and vocal culture. Voices examined. 349 Harvard St.

5-12t.TO LET - Fine room in Hilton Block. Apply to janitor of Hilton Block or at 8 Hastings.

7-3t.ROOMS FOR RENT. - Two large pleasant, well-furnished front rooms, in private family, at No. 7 Brown Street, next to the corner of Brattle Street.


9-2TDANCING LESSONS. - Mr. Geo. Persival Chick will open a class in Dancing for Harvard men at Robert's Hall, Wednesday evening, Oct. 28. at 8 o'clock. Price for twelve lessons $12. Each member of the class will have the privilege of inviting a lady with chaperone to attend free of charge. For further particulars call on Mr. Melville A. Marsh, 45 Grays.

9 12-20TO LET. - A suite of rooms, No. 7 Shepherd's Block.

