There is a disposition in the college to grow disheartened over the prospects of the eleven. The feeling is prevalent that the team does not improve and that there is no hope of strengthening the weak points. As a result the attendance at the afternoon practice has fallen off, and the enthusiasm with which we began the year is waning. This only not has its effect upon the college at large but upon the candidates for the eleven, and unless it is checked at once the effect may be very serious. Now the fact is that the college is losing faith when there is every reason why it should feel encouraged. If men would stop for a moment to think they would realize the actual state of affairs in foot ball. There has been no real effort to play the game yet or to develop a team. The captain has been trying his material, testing each man thoroughly, and sifting out all except such as promise to develop into 'varsity material. Once this process is completed the real work of building up a team can begin. In the meantime the men are acquiring a great deal of knowledge about the game, and when the real work begins they will be found to be much farther along than anyone had expected. What the college needs is considerable more patience and faith. Trust the men who are doing their best to build up a strong eleven and encourage them by your presence at practice and the expression of your confidence in them.
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