
Meeting of the Overseers.

The annual meeting of the Board of Overseers was held yesterday at 50 State street, Boston, with the president, Solomon Lincoln, in the chair. It was voted to concur with the president and fellows in their votes inserting the name of Professor Trowbridge, instead of the name of Professor Trowbridge, instead of the name of Professor James, in the list of the members of the administrative board of the Graduate School for 1891-92; re-appointing Professor John Wesley Churchill, A. M., instructor in elocution in the Divinity School for 1891-92; also approving of the appointments to instructorships of C. A. Adams, Jr, Joseph Torrey, A. M., and Herman Wadsworth Haley, Ph. D.; and conferring the degree of Bachelor of Arts, out of course, upon Herbert Corey Leeds, as of the class of 1877.

Solomon Lincoln was re-elected president of the board, and Francis C. Lowell was chosen secretary pro tempore, the permanent secretary, Mr. Alexander McKenzie, being absent in Europe.

The committee on elections certified to the election of the following named persons for the term of six years: T. Jefferson Collidge, George O. Shattuck, Charles R. Codman; Charles J. Bonaparte, Charles F. Folsom; and that of Moses Williams for a term of two years to supply the place of Henry P. Wolcott, resigned.
