ENGLISH A.- On and after Saturday. January 10, the doors of Sever 11 will be locked at five minutes after twelve.
L. B. R. BRIGGS.HARVARD ELECTRIC CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the club this (Friday) evening in the club rooms at 7.45. A new secretary is to be elected. Mr. G. T. Page '92, will lecture on the "Central station of electric lighting concerns." All members are urged to be present.
G. H. CHTTENDEN, Pres.LOST.- On Tuesday morning, a seal ring with initials J. H. H. Finder will please return to Leavitt and Peirce's.
J. HUDSON HALL, 19 Hilton.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Barges for Brighton will leave Robert's Hall at 6.40 sharp.
H. F. KENT, Secretary.LOST.- A gold and silver ring in the shape of a knot. Finder will receive a reward at Leavitt and Peirce's.
FOUND.- Yesterday, in Sanders Theatre, two tickets to the Symphony Concerts. Owner can have them by applying at Sever's book store.
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The Union Debate.