
Fact and Rumor.

A. W. Dexter, '93, has left college.

There will be no mid-year examination in Music 2.

It is rumored that the marks will be given out in Geol. IV today.

Work in the gymnasium is compulsory for Yale freshmen this year.

President Dwight of Yale is making a tour through the western cities.


Specimens of the first forensic in English C will be read next Thursday.

The B. A. A. will probably hold an open wrestling tourney in Music Hall during April.

Marks for the last hour examination in Math. D and German C are now out.

W. Little field, '92, has a poem in the January number of the New England Magazine.

Williams College will build a science building with the $100,000 which has recently been left her.

The title of the book to be read outside the class in French 1a must be handed in today.

More than five hundred applications for admission have been received a Wellesley this fall.

On and after January 10 the doors of Sever 11 will be locked in English A at five minutes past the hour.

Charles Adams, brother of Geo. Adams the football coach. coached the sophomore crew yesterday.

Theme VI, The Principles of Descriptive and Narrative Composition, is due next Tuesday in English B.
