
The Amherst Quinquennial.

Amherst College has just published the general catalogue for 1821-1890. forming the second quinquennial issue, the last triennial having been published in 1878. The names and all appear in English, the antiquated Latin form having been given up nearly twenty years ago. Amherst has been remarkable for having had so few presidents during its period of existence, now nearly seventy years. These were the Rev. Drs. Moore, 1821; Humphrey, 1823; Hi chcock (the eminent geologist) 1845; Stearns, 1834, and Seelve, 1876. Dr. Gates, who entered upon his duties in this capacity November 1, is thus the sixth in order. The whole number of alumni is 3,319, of whom one-third have been ordained as clergymen, and only 111 have been foreign missionaries-a much smaller number than Amherst is commonly credited with graduating. Honorary graduates not alumni of the college average four to the year.
