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The English Club will introduce Mr. R. G. Moutton this evening in Sever 11. Mr. Mcullon is a man of wide reputation, and two of his works if taken alone would be sufficient to ensure him a place among the noted literary men of our time. This lecture is only the beginning of a remarkable list of lectures which will be given before the students during the week. On Tuesday evening in Sanders the Free Wool Club will after its greatest treat of the season, a talk on the Responsibilities of Power, by Hon. W. C. P. Breckenridge of Kenlucky. Everyone has read the wonderfully fluent speeches which this man has delivered in Congress, and for a chance to hear him we have to express our thanks to this, the only club in college devoted to a political principle. On Wednesday, Professor Royce will give his twelfh philosophical lecture, the last but one, and Thursday, the Christian Association announces a talk by Dr. Brooke Herford. It will be altogether an extraor dinarily valuable week in point of lectures.
