
Fact and Rumor.

There are 80,000 volumes in the Princeton college library.

Last year's dividends have all been paid by the Co-operative Society.

The members of the freshman banjo club are rehearsing regularly.

A new board walk has been laid from the street to the University Museum.

D. Shea '94, began training with the 'varsity crew yesterday.


The sophomore class at Cornell is about to introduce the mortar-board caps.

The Freshmen at Yale from St. Paul's School show the best physical development.

There are fifty Yale graduates at Tokio, Japan, who will from an alumni association.

The first lesson after the mid-years in Latin C., will be the prologue and first scene of Terence's Phormio.

Justin Winsor has an interesting letter in this week's issue of the Nation on "English Views of the Copyright Act."

The ninth ten of the Institute of 1770 is as follows: Pike, Sewall, Pease, Maynard, Kittredge, Manning, Villard, Nichols, Dows, Farquhar.

The success of the past few years has induced the University of Vermont to try to raise $1,000 to put a baseball nine in the field with the other colleges.

Among other bequests, the will of J. Huntington Wolcott leaves Harvard $25,000, Mass. Institute of Technology $5,000, and the Lawrence Scientific School $2,500.

A meeting of the Inter-collegiate Rowing Association, composed of Cornell, Columbia and Pennsylvania Universities, will be held in February. Bowdoin will probably be admitted to the association.

The authorities of the British Museum have discovered, among a collection of papyrus rolls recently acquired in Egypt, the text of Aristotle's treatise on the constitution of Athens.

Mrs. Erving Winslow will give eight readings under the auspices of the English Club of the Harvard Annex at the Cambridge School, 26 Mason St., February 24, 26; March 3, 5, 10, 12, 17 and 19, at 3 p. m.

Mr. Edward Howland, who died last Christmas Day, was one of the principal promoters of the American Colony at Topolobampo in Sinaloa, Mexico. He belonged to a prominent New York family and was a graduate of Harvard in 1853. Mr. Howland's tastes were literary; he was one of the editors of the Saturday Press, and often contributed to the Atlantic Monthly and Harper's Magazine.
