
Standing of Yale Athletes.

Statistics have been collected at New Haven in regard to the standing of athletic men which effectually confute the statements often made by uninformed persons to the effect that athletics tend to lower the standard of the men who engage in them. Below are given the number of men who received appointments who played on the university teams from the three upper classes, also the number receiving no appointment:

University crew-From '90, number of men 2, first colloquy 1, no appointment 1; from '91, number of men 2, second colloquy 2; from '92, number of men 2, first colloquy 1, no appointment 1.

Class crews-From '90, academical department 4, first colloquy 1, second colloquy 1, no appointment 2; from '91, academical department 5, oration 2; second colloquy 2, no appointment 1; from '92, academical department 8, oration 1, second dispute 1, first colloquy 1, no appointment 5.

Football team-From '90, number of men 2, first dispute 1, no appointment 1; from '91, number of men 11, oration 1, dissertation 1, first dispute 1, first colloquy 2, second colloquy 3, no appointment 3; from '92, number of men 5, dissertation 1, no appointment 4.

Baseball nine-From '90, number of men 1, no appointment; from '91, number of men 6, oration 2, second dispute 1, no appointment 3; from '92, number of men 1, first dispute 1, no appointment 1.


Mott Haven team-From '90, number of men 7, first dispute 2, second dispute 1, second colloquy 2; no appointment 2; from '91, number of men 5, oration 1, second dispute 1, first colloquy 1, second colloquy 2; from '92, number of men 4, philosophical oration 1, first dispute 1, second dispute 2.

University Tennis Representatives-From '90, number of men 1, first dispute; from '91, number of men 3, no appointment 3; from '92, number of men 1, first dispute.

From this list it will be seen that from '90, '91 and '92, 69 men have been actively engaged on different athletic teams. Of these, 1 has received a philosophical oration, 6 orations, 2 dissertations, 8 first disputes, 6 second disputes, 9 first colloquies, 12 second colloquies and 25 no appointment.

From these figures it is found that 64 per cent. of the athletes have received appointments.

This means that 64 percent have attained to distinguished grades of scholarship and so far from lowering the average or making no impression one way or the other upon it, they raise the whole standard of the University.
