TUTORING in History I. Address,
C. E. WHITMORE, JR., 39 College House.TOTORING.- History 1, 11, 12, 15, Philosophy 14, Fine Arts 3, Political Economy 4.
WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.76-tf.
DANCING.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class meets every Tuesday at 8 o'clock. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons by appointment. Address,
MRS. L. J. CHANDLER, Cor. Main and Inman Sts., Cambridgeport.CLUB TABLE.- One room vacant at Miss Cotter's, No. 10 Oxford St. 91-2w
TUTORING in Zoology 1, Italian 1 and Chemistry 1.
CHARLES L. MIX, '90, 24 Gray's; middle entry.95 3t
ENGLISH 2, 7, AND 9.- Tutoring. Call between 1 and 2 p. m., or address,
C. H. PACE, Gr., 11 Hollis.96 2t
A GOOD 5x8 photographic outfit for sale at half price; a shutter and Darlot lens included. Camera may be seen by calling at 39 Thayer.
TUTORING in Philosophy 14. 2t
W. B. WATERMAN, D. S., 30 D.POLITICAL ECONOMY 4.- Review this evening at 7.15 p. m., in Manter 2.
ALBERT E. BAILEY '94, 52 College House.97 2t
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