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For at least four years the College Conference Meetings, as they were once called, have been carried on with success. They have always proved satisfactory, and have attracted much attention. It was their purpose until this year, to give the students an opportunity to discuss among themselves and with the college authorities, all matters of interest to the University. In 1887 they were highly appreciated by the students, and in 1888 President Eliot opened the first meeting of the year with an address on "College Loyalties." At a later meeting Professor Norton spoke on "Interest in Literature in its Relation to the Life of the Undergraduate." At the fifth meeting Professor Goodale spoke of the "Moral Aspect of the Scientific Method." All of that year's meetings were devoted to questions of daily interest, or to the discussion of thoughts uppermost in men's minds. In 1889-90 the Conferences were devoted to a series of addresses on the various professions, each lecture being given by a man holding a high place in his specialty. They were much discussed by the undergraduates.

We have made this hasty review in order to show that the College Conferences have in past years been of value. In approaching the point of our editorial we fear that we shall be misunderstood. We maintain that the series of lectures given this year is not of the nature that is demanded by the College Conferences. We think that the present course should have been given by itself, and not have forced out the regular Conference series, which we have missed this year particularly, during the present discussion of questions of college policy. The present course is very valuable, but we feel sure that it does not fill the place of the Conferences, which were so useful in past years. This year's course does not attract anywhere near so many men as the old meetings, and while the subjects now discussed are useful enough in their way, they are not as interesting to the average man as questions of the day.
