
Athletic News.

During the past week a few changes have taken place in the 'Varsity and Sophomore crews. Burling '91, Porter '92, Slade '93, have ceased to row with the 'varsity and have gone to their respective class crews. This leaves sixteen men. The first crew is rowing at present as follows: Powers (stroke) Kelton 7, Watriss 6, Rantoul 5, Vail 4, Jones 3, Fitzhugh 2, Perkins bow. On Saturdays the stroke of last year's Bowdoin crew, who is the Medical School, comes out and rows at number 6 in place of Watriss. Miller '93 is stroking the second crew. There are six candidates from '93 among the sixteen men, four from '92, four from '91, and two from '94.

Slade's going back to his class crew has necessitated one or two changes, so that at present the '93 crew is rowing as follows: Keyes (stroke), Davis 7, Hathaway 6, Slade 5, Baldwin 4, Post 3, Hand 2, Brewer bow. Burgess, the captain of the '93 crew, has not been rowing regularly with the crew, but has spent most of his time in coaching. During the next two weeks W. Alexander '87, under whom the crew was last year, will probably coach them. He will also coach the junior crew.

The number of candidates for the Mott Haven team is increasing every day. There are upwards of 140 men in training, most of whom do their work in the afternoon. The men who train in the morning almost all expect to enter the B. A. A. games on Feb. 14. For the last few days these men have been running on time. The best time for 75 yards on the board walk was made by Moen-8 seconds.
