
Y. M. C. A. Meeting.

The weekly meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association was held last evening in the rooms of the society in Lawrence Hall. The subject of the evening was "Japan" as described by native Japanese now studying in the University. The speakers were Messrs. Kishkimoto, S. Miyoski, and Kozaki, who described very intelligently the government, social customs, and general improvement of the country since the revolution of 1868 when the descendents of the original dynasty were restored to the kingdom. They also dwelt at length upon the gratifying results of missionary work in Japan, urging Harvard men to enter in the work as there is no representative at present. Yale and Cornell are represented and why should not Harvard be?

A short business meeting was held immediately after the lecture. Mr. Roots, the president, announced that eleven thousand copies of "Harvard's Better Self," reprinted from the New England Magazine for December, 1890, were ready for distribution. Five thousand of these are to be sent to the clergymen of the country, four thousand to the alumni, and two thousand for general distribution. He announced also that a number of the members were accustomed to go each Sunday to the wharves in Boston and engage the sailors for a short time in singing, conversation and reading from the New Testament. He said also that others who wished to join would be welcome.
