
Noted Harvard Graduates.

It may be of interest to the students at large and especially to those who room in Hollis, Holworthy and Stoughton to know the names of some of Harvard's noted graduates, and also to know where they roomed and when they graduated. A study of the old catalogues has revealed some facts on these points. It must not be understood, however, that the list of items following contains all the famous graduates in the last eighty years. It contains only some of those who roomed in the college yard. Several had rooms in Massachusetts which was formerly a dormitory:

Edward Everett, noted as Preacher, Orator and Statesman, a former Governor of Massachusetts and President of Harvard, graduated in 1811. He roomed in Hollis 20 and 24, and in Stoughton 23.

William H. Prescott, American Historian, graduated in 1814. He occupied Hollis 6 and 11 and Stoughton 28.

George Bancroft '17, Statesman and Historian, roomed in Stoughton 22 and Hollis 4.

Caleb Cushing '17, eminent as a lawyer, and at one time Attorney General of the U. S., roomed in Stoughton 26 and in Massachusetts.


Charles Francis Adams, Minister to England under President Lincoln, graduated in 1825. His only room was Hollis 15. Three years outside yard.

Dr. A. P. Peabody, known to all Harvard men, graduated in 1826. His rooms were Hollis 29 and 31.

Cornelius C. Felton '27, a famous Greek teacher and a President of Harvard, roomed in Stoughton 31.

Robert C. Winthrop '28, Statesman and Orator, roomed in Holworthy 24, his Senior year.

James Freeman Clark, one of America's greatest preachers, graduated in 1829. He roomed in Holworthy 19 and in Massachusetts.

Oliver Wendell Holmes graduated in 1829 and roomed in Stoughton 31.

Charles Sumner '30, Orator and Statesman, roomed in Stoughton 12, Hollis 17 and Holworthy 22.

E. R. Hoar '35, Judge of the Supreme Court, occupied Holworthy 1, 2 and 13, and Stoughton 25.

Edward Everett Hale graduated in 1839. He had Stoughton 22 and a room in Massachusetts.

Horace Gray, Justice, graduated in 1845. He roomed in Stoughton 11.

Charles E. Norton '46, roomed in Holworthy 22.

Senator G. F. Hoar graduated in 1846 and roomed in Holworthy 13 and Massachusetts.

Professor Cook '48, roomed in Holworthy 16, 18 and 22, and in Hollis 13.

President Eliot, who graduated in 1853, occupied Stoughton 8 and Hollis 15.

Rev. Phillips Brooks graduated in 1855 and roomed in Stoughton 32 and in Massachusetts.

Wm. Everett '59, roomed in Stoughton 13 and in Holworthy 1 and 13.

Nathaniel Childs '70, roomed in Hollis 26 and in Holworthy 8.

J. Q. A. Brackett, ex-Governor of Massachusetts, occupied Holworthy 14 and Hollis 31.
