
Special Notice.

HISTORY 12, Pol. Econ. 4, History 2. Tutoring and Seminars.

W. ALEXANDER '87,To be found at 17 Weld after Sunday, January 25.

CLUB TABLE.- One room vacant at Miss Cotter's, No. 10 Oxford St. 91-2w

TUTORING IN FRENCH.- The undersigned is prepared to tutor for French courses. He may be seen daily at the Botanic Laboratory, new Museum, Oxford St., from 8 to 10 a. m., and at home, 9 Sherman St., West Somerville.

FRED DE BOS.TUTORING in Philosophy 14.


W. B. WATERMAN, D. 30.TUTORING in Botany 2 and Zoology 1.

T. W. GALLOWAY, 43 Grays.91 2t
