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The DAILY CRIMSON takes pleasure in welcoming to college journalism a new monthly, the College Man, "an intercollegiate magazine for undergraduates." It is "the organ of no single college, but aims to be the exponent of all." The list of editors, headed by Mr. J. L. Keedy of Yale, includes, or will include, men from all American colleges of any importance. Harvard is represented by Mr. A. De V. Tassin, '92. A prize of ten dollars will be awarded each month for the best contribution on some subject of college life or work. We wish the College Man all success. WE cannot, however, fail to remember that every previous attempt at conducting an intercollegiate magazine has ended in mournful failure. It is at least questionable whether a field exists for such a publication. The College Man has an excellent opportunity to triumph over skeptics, and to show us that the repeated failures and final abandonment of the Collegian were due simply to mismanagement.
