
The Yale Junior Promenade.

The annual junior promenade at Yale takes place tonight in the Second Regiment ARmory. Costa, of New York, who decorated the Metropolitan Opera House for the Centennial Ball, has charge of the decorating. The rafters and iron work in the roof will be covered with cloth of a cream tint stretched from the top of the ceiling down to the supports on the side walls, giving an arch or tent like effect. The side walls will be covered with bunting with Yale banners interspersed. The galleries will also be hung with bunting and flags. The design of the invitations is a Yale monogram in a leafy effect with the '92 class numerals intertwined with the letters. The dance orders are unique. The gentlemen's programmes are of lavender leather tied with a blue cord and lined with blue silk. The front is ornamented with a bronze shield and ivy leaves. In the upper left hand corner " '92" surmounts a small spoon resting on a large "Y." The ladies' orders are of cream colored leather tied with white and lined with white silk. The front is ornamented with a dark blue shield and ivy branches. In the middle, worked in gilt, is a spoon with "Yale '92," while above and below are small slippers. The order consists of twenty numbers, all of which are round dances except the lancers which appear twice. Lander's string orchestra and brass band furnish the music. All preparations have been carefully made and there is every reason to suppose that the promenade will be an unusual success.
