
Special Notices.

TUTORING in History I. Address,

C. E. WHITMORE, JR, 39 College House.TUTORING.- History 1, 11, 12, 15, Philosophy 14, Fine Arts 3, Political Economy 4.

WILLIAM W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.76-tf.

POLITICAL ECONOMY 1, History 13, History 2, Political Economy 8. Tutoring.

J. A. BAILEY, 31 Stoughton.84-6t.


DANCING.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class meets every Tuesday at 8 o'clock. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons by appointment. Address,

MRS. L. J. CHANDLER, Cor. Main and Inman Sts., Cambridgeport.TUTORING in History 1 and 2, Physics B and C, German A and Chem. A.

C. H. LINCOLN, 25 Weld.J 13 15 17 20 22 24. 25 Weld.

TUTORING.- Greek A, B, C, E, F, 2, Latin A, B, C, E, F, 1, 2.

FRANCIS K. BALL, '90. 5 Divinity Hall.88-2t

TO LET.- A very desirable sunny suite of rooms with bay window at No. 5 Linden St.

SEMINARS IN CHEMISTRY.- Chemistry A, Wednesday, January 21st, 7 p. m.; Chemistry I, Monday, February 2d, 7 p. m. Outlines will be furnished in Chem. A. Tutoring in these courses.

E. O. PARKER, '91, 9 Stougton.90 2t

A COMPETENT bookkeeper and accountant with a few spare hours daily, offers his services to college clubs and societies or any others requiring work in his line of business.

E. M. WARLAND, 426 Harvard St., Opp. College Library.89-tf

TUTORING in Chemistry A, B and 1; Zoology 1; Geology 8; and Italian 1.

CHARLES L. MIX, 24 Grays; middle entry.89-3t
