
Fact and Rumor.

The candidates for the Yale freshman nine will go into training this week.

Saturday evening the students in the Post Office gave three cheers for Waterman.- U. of M. Daily.

Professor Cohn will lecture to French 1a on the 13th of February upon "Thinking in a foreign language."

No translation is assigned in Greek I for tomorrow. Dr. Morgan will finish his series of lectures on the Greek tragedy.

Members of Latin 4 must have their blue-books in tomorrow as Dr. Tarbell will be away at the time of examination and the books cannot be given in then.


An All-America cricket team has arranged a series of games to be played next summer with the best teams in England, including those of Oxford and Cambridge.

The announcement in regard to the freshman scholarships made in Saturday's DAILY CRIMSON was premature. The final award has not yet been made by the Faculty. The list will be printed in a few days.
