
The Mott Haven Team.

At the present time the outlook for a winning Mott Haven team is extremely encouraging. The number of candidates is very large and the chances of developing good material out of them seem unusually good. The Boston Athletic Club meeting on February 14 is the event of immediate importance to which the candidates of the team are directing their attention.

One of the pleasantest features of the training for the Mott Haven team is the opportunity it offers for entering the amateur meetings held in Boston and New York. Whether a man is selected to compete at the Intercollegiate games or not, he feels that he has a chance to show the results of his work. This privilege seems to have been appreciated; for over one hundred men intend to compete on the four teenth of next month, and have begun special work under Mr. Lathrop's direction. It consists of light exercise with the chest weights, dumb bells and vaulting bar. besides which the men are divided into squads of five or six in the morning or afternoon, as may be most convenient, and eight-yard starting heats are practiced in the coge by the sprinters, while the long distance men do the work assigned them outside.

In talking of the probabilities of next spring's team, Mr. Lathrop expressed the opinion that if the men did their work faithfully Harvard ought to have astronger term to send to the Berkeley Oval. provided one goes, than she bad last year.

As regards the action of the athletic committee, there is good hope that they will permit a team to go to New York. so that there is a good chance that Harvard will have her name in the second place on the big cup as well as in the first.

In the mile run there are A. M. White, Lowell. Manly and Carr, who are all promising men. In the half and quarter besides a large field of good men, there is Wright from whom great improvement over his excellent work of last year is to be expected. In the hurdles there will be Lee and Feating, and the same men can also be relied upon for the high jump. In the broad jump Boss '94. ought to make an excellent showing, and improvement can be hoped for from Green over his last year's record. In the hammer and shot besides Allen and Evins, who were on the team last year, Finlay is training and is a promising candidate. The formation of the Bicycle Club takes the responsibility off the H. A. A. of furnishing men to represent Harvard in that event, but of course until the track can be used general gymnasium work is all that can he done.

