
The Base Ball Batteries.

Last evening, in response to Captain Dean's lotice, about a dozen men presented themselves as candidates for positions on the battery of the 'varsity nine. Of last year's members and sub statutes, H. W. Bates '91, E. C. Howe '93, for pitchers, and F. Mason, L. S., for catcher, presented themselves. The other old men for these positions, Cummings '91 and Downer, L. S., for pitcher, and Upton '93 for catcher, are all still in college; and Cummings and Upton, at any rate, will soon begin to trin. The other men who gave their names last right are: Pitchers, B. Bowman '91. W. H. Wiggin '93, J. G. Young '92, H. F. Kent '93, F. D. Marshall Sp. L. S. and W. B. Dinsmote Sp: Catchers, F. W. Cobb '91 and T. E. Guerin '91. Of these men Bowman. Wiggin, Young and Guerin have had experience on their class nines. The other men are comparatively inexperienced as far as base ball work in college is concerned. Corbett '91. who has been catcher on the Cambridge High School team for two years. will also probably be a candidate for catcher. As a usual thing the number of candidates from the freshman class is large, but for some reason or other only one of the above number is in '94. The freshmen shouldn't be afraid to show themselves.

Work in the cage of the Carey Athletic building will begin on Wednesday afternoon. It will be arranged so that each man will be for a certain time under the coaching of John Clarkson. of the Boston League team. All the men will be given every chance to show their worth, but as soon as possible the second-rate men will be weeded out so as not to take the coach's limited time which may be more palatably spent on the most promising candidates. The men weeded out are not to be dropped, however; they are to devote their attention to the class nines and to the second 'varsity nine which will, in all probability, be formed in the spring. There the men will be closely watched and given a chance to work up again to the 'varsity, if they show their ability. In this way the captain hopes to get together, earlier in the season than usual, the men who are best for the nine and give most attention to developing them.
