
The '91 Foot Ball Eleven.

The candidates for the senior class eleven are working every afternoon on Norton Field in charge of Captain Bowman. The following men have presented themselves as candidates: Austin, Black, Barron, Baldwin, Bangs, Burling, Corning, Dodge, Embick, Farquhar, Gerin, Harris, Healey, Huntress, Keene, Mariner, Marsh, McLeod, Nichols, Page, Randall, Valle, Wainright, J. Walker, Weld and G. Winthrop. Captain Bowman has been unable to get all of these men together, and yesterday afternoon did not have enough men for awhile to make two elevens. In addition there are a number of good men in the class who have not come out at all yet. If the seniors expect to put a winning team in the field they must get all of their material out, and give better support to their captain who is doing all in his power to develope a strong eleven. There is much promising material among the present candidates for the team, and if all the seniors who play football would come out there is no reason why ninety-one should not make a good struggle for the class championship.

The practice last night was very loose. Some of the men were evidently possessed with a greater desire to kill each other than to play foot ball. Everybody fumbled the ball badly, and the rushers seemed to have forgotten all they ever knew about the game. Captain Bowman has been trying the candidates in different positions; he has decided nothing yet as to the probable make-up of the team. Most of the candidates have had some experience, but they need a great deal of hard work before they will play in anything like good form.
