The regular meeting of the senior class will be held in Upper Massachusetts on Wednesday, Oct. 1, at 8 o'clock.
There will be a meeting of the junior class in Lower Massachusetts, Tuesday, Sept. 30, at 7.30 p. M.
M. D. FOLLANSBEE, Secretary.1t
Candidates for the Harvard Glee Club will meet in Roberts Hall, Brattle Square, Tuesday, Sept. 30 and Thursday, Oct. 2, at 7-45 p. m. Let every man in college who knows how to sing at all come and make a trial. Freshmen are especially invited. Business meeting for members Tuesday evening, at 7.30.
ENGLISH 18.- Students who have chosen English 18 and have not yet registered in the course, will please see Mr. Baker at 1 Garden St., before Wednesday.
FOUND:- A knife. Inquire at Leavitt and Pierce's.
Candidates for the Pierian Sodality Orchestra will meet at Robert's Hall, Brattle Street, Wednesday, October 1 and Friday, October 3, at 7.30 p. m., sharp. Every musician in college is cordially invited to try for the orchestra. Candidates will please bring instruments and music.
ENGLISH A.- Please bring blocks of theme paper and pens or pencils to the third-hour sections.
H. B. LATHROP.ENGLISH A.- Sections are posted in Sever.
HARVARD BANJO CLUB.- Trial of candidates Friday, October 3d, at 7.30, in 14 Holworthy. All banjo and guitar players are urged to compete, as much new material is needed.
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