
Fact and Rumor.

C. H. Hyams, Sp., has returned to college.

October 8 is the last day for forming club tables at Memorial.

Mack, '91 is in the Law School this year.

Prof. Palmer has moved from 118 Brattle to 3 Mason Street.

There was an unusually large attendance at Chapel yesterday morning.


Wright and Ditson have offered prizes for the Williams College Tournament.

B. Howard of Exeter has been elected captain of the Williams Freshman nine.

Mr. G. L. Kittredge has been appointed assistant professor in English.

R. M. Fullerton, '90, was in Cambridge yesterday and leaves for St. Louis the last of the week.

There are 763 members of the Cooperative this year. Last year the total number was 743.

H. B. Learned, '90, the writer of last year's Bowdoin prize dissertation is teaching school in Plymouth this year.

The meeting of the candidates for the intercollegiate tournament was postponed last evening until 7.30, tonight.

The Hon. George William Curtis will deliver the annual address of the National Civil Service Reform League at Tremont Temple, Wednesday evening, Oct. 1, at 8 p. m.

Pond, class of '91, Dartmouth College, has won the appointment to accompany Gunnison, '92, champion of the college, to New Haven to represent Dartmouth at the Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association tournament.

The first and second 'Varsity played a short practice game on Jarvis yesterday afternoon. On the first eleven were Trafford, Lee, Corbett, Dean, Cumnock, Upton, Heard, Vail, Davis and Hallowell. On the second were Frothingham, Moen, McNear. Burgess McDonald, Lake, Evans, Fay, Peale and Bass. The game ended with Trafford's kicking a goal from the field. Saxe, L. S., was referee.
