
University Studies.

Of late a considerable amount of monographic literature has been issued under the title of University Studies which indicates a new conception of the functions of our educational institutions. These publications prove the Universities to be centers for the publication and distribution of the results of research work, and show that an increasing number of instructors as well as students, have the time and spirit to make valuable investigations. Such monographs supply, in a measure filled the place by the prize essays of the English Universities, although very little has yet been produced which equals the work of most of the York, Arnold, Prince Consort and other English prize essayists.

The monographs which Harvard and Columbia have published have received much attention. Harvard has recently undertaken the publication of another series of monographs, of which the first two are already announced-"A History of the Veto Power in the United States," by E. C. Mason, and "An Introduction to the Study of Federal Governments," by A. B. Hart. The series will confine itself to subjects in United States History, and is under the supervision of Professor Hart.

The studies of the University of Nebraska have already reached the third number, completing the first volume of three hundred pages; they deserve special attention.

Each number contains three articles, and the subjects show the co-operation of many departments. It is the design however, of the University to differentiate special "studies," in order that each may have its own channel of communication. The character of the papers already printed is eminently scholarly, scientific rather than popular, and speaks well for the thoroughness of the university work in general.

The University of Toronto, the leading institution of learning in Canada, has begun, under the direction of Professor W. T. Ashley, the publication of a similar series, each number of which is to be complete in itself. The first monograph upon the Ontario Township, by T. M. McEvoy, is valuable since it gives an insight into the local political system of Canada. The University also publishes a Quarterly Review, not unlike those at Harvard and Columbia, in which is discussed political and economic questions relating to the Dominion.


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