
Fact and Rumor.

P. Little, '90, is on the Milwaukee Sentinel.

V. M. Harding '89, is editorial writer on a Spokane Falls paper.

Carr, the mile runner of the Manhattan Athletic Club has entered Harvard.

Odlin, captain of last year's Dartmouth eleven has entered the Law School.

F. E. Zinkeisen, '89, has been in Cambridge this summer. He is going to Germany for three years' study.


Hovery, the well-known Tennis, foot ball and base ball player, of Brown, has entered the law school.

Mr. Lathrop will be on Holmes Field every day from 11 to 1 to train men in track events.

The Yale freshman class is larger than ever before. There are 250 academic freshmen and 160 freshmen in the scientific school.

Mr. Cole will have charge of Political Economy 8 in place of Prof. Dunbar, who is very busy as Dean of the University.

Dr. John Richard Jewett, late instructor in Semitic at Harvard, has been appointed instruct or in the modern and Semitic languages at Brown University.

It can be authoritatively stated that money has been given to the University to build a new gate. The name of the donor and the amount of the gift have not yet been made public.

The freshman class at Princeton is far the largest in the history of the University, numbering about 270 men. At Brown there are one hundred freshmen.

Max Winkler, '89, who has been tutoring in Cambridge this summer, has received an appointment as instructor of modern languages at Michigan University.

Dr. Frederick Henry Hedge, who died last August, was for many years at the head of the list of officers of the University, by reason of seniority. He resigned his professorship of German in 1880.

During the summer the available room in the front office at U. 5 has been doubled by the removal of the partition between Mr. Chamberlain's room and Miss Harris' sanctum. The railing now extends from the faculty room to the Dean's office.

The result of yesterday's registration is as follows: Seniors, 269; juniors, 256; sophomores, 277; freshmen, 357; special students, 137. This is a great increase over last year's numbers, but the list is by no means complete as yet, for over four hundred men passed entrance examinations and are there fore eligible for admittance.
