
Fact and Rumor.

Brown beat Lafayette Thursday by a score of 8 to 2.

Examinations at Yale began yesterday, and will last till the 18th.

The elective pamphlet has been delayed and may not be out for a week.

The Yale crew will get into quarters at New London a week from today; finishing their examinations there.

The ball game with Lovell's nine will be played on Jarvis field this afternoon as the schools hold their games on Holmes.


The next issue of The Week's Sport will contain photographs of the finish of the 100 yards dash, and of the start of the 220 yards dash in the intercollegiate games.

The statement is constantly made that Harvard won four firsts, three seconds, and six thirds at the Berkeley Oval last Saturday. As a matter of fact Harvard won four firsts, two seconds and eight thirds.

J. M. Hallowell, '88, had an interesting article in yesterday's Boston Post on the question of a three years' course at Harvard. The writer thinks that diminishing the length of the course will lower the intellectual atmosphere of the place.

The Yale nine have recently received an invitation from the Tuxedo Club to spend the st, 2d, 3d and 4th of July at Tuxedo, at the expense of the club. A like invitation has been sent to the Princeton nine, and a series of games will probably be played between the two teams.

The observation train at the Harvard-Yale race will be longer this year than ever before. It will consist of thirty-four cars, with accommodations for 2300 people. This is the last race under the present five years' contract between the two colleges, and the railroad officials. This contract retains practically all the advantages of the enormous gathering for the railroad and the town of New London, and will probably not be renewed.
