A meeting of the freshman class has been called tonight for the purpose, the crew managemene informs us, of taking some decided action in raising funds for the freshman crew. As the matter now stands unless about twelve hundred dollars is pledged within the week it will be practically impossible to send the men to New London. We do not pretend to say whether the fault of so low an exchequer is that of the class in not coming up readily to the need, or of the management in not soliciting subscriptions with sufficient assiduity. The simple fact remains that the freshman class has not, up to the present date, subscribed enough money to support the crew, and has, therefore, shown itself to be less generous than preceding classes. The opportunity has now come for the men to redeem such a reputation. If the meeting tonight is not largely attended, and if the freshman class does not subscribe liberally during the coming week, it will go on record as the only class whose athletic reputation has been sullied by lack of generosity.
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