Birch Canoe for Sale.- Apply to Hart at Weld Boat House.
PI ETA THEATRICALS.- Farce at 3. Comedy at 5.
ENGLISH 9.- The notes on reading are on the table in Sever 5.
W. B. S. CLYMER.CRICKET ELEVEN.- Practice on Jarvis at 4 o'clock sharp.
R. D. BROWN.FOUND.- Envelope with matter pertaining to Boston University.
Call at 12 Stoughton.
CRIMSON: Meeting of the board today in the sanctum at 1.15. All editors are requested to be present.
LOST.- Monday morning, at corner of Oxford and Cambridge Streets, a lady's kid glove. Please leave at Leavitt and Peirce's.
SIGNET.- The Society will be photographed today at 3 o'clock on the back steps of Sever. Every member must be present.
C. H. C. WRIGHT Sec'y.EXETER CLUB.- The picture will be taken today back of Sever at 1.30 promptly. All should be present to make the photograph as complete as possible.
R. R. Endicott.There will be a very important meeting of the freshman class tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock in Holden Chapel. A full attendance is greatly desired as decisive action is to be taken in regard to the freshman crew's finances and the sending of the crew to New London.
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Lacrosse Captain.