
Fact and Rumor.

The new musical department at Yale will give a concert tomorrow evening.

E. C. Moen, '91, has been elected captain of the Mott Haven team for next year.

A series of cricket games is being played between the classes of the University of Pennsylvania.

Prof. Putnam spent last week in New York purchasing skeletons and skulls for the museum.

The freshman nine will play the Cliftons tomorrow at Cambridge, and the Brown freshmen Saturday at Brown.


There is a movement on foot at Yale to establish an hospital building for sick students, to be known as the Yale Home.

Horation G. Curtis, who graduated in 1865, will be Chief Marshall on Commencement day. Judge William C. Endicott, class '47, will preside at the commencement dinner.

Prof. William James has finished his work on "The Principles of Psychology," and it is now in the hands of the printers, Henry Holt and Co., New York. The volume, which will contain more than one thousand pages, will be issued next fall.

There will be two games in the scrub series today, one between the Waverleys and the Foxcrofts, the other between the Dunn's and the Idlers. The Blue Jays have drawn a bye. All postponed games must be played before Friday.

Because of a mistake in scoring the laps in the H. U. C. A. road race last Wednesday, Mr. H. G. Hockstadter, '93, was awarded last place instead of second. The correct order in which the first four men finished was: Hawes, Hockstadter, Austrian, Barron.
