
Special Notice.

Gentlemen and lady friends of students, will find rooms and home comforts during Class Week at.

MRS. LITTLE'S, 18 Sumner St.Get your Class Day placards printed at Wheeler's, 418 Harvard Street.

Observation train tickets for the Harvard-Yale 'varsity race for sale at.

LEAVITT AND PEIRCE'S.ATTENTION.- Second-hand clothes bought. Highest prices paid. Send postal and I will call.

W. H. BROWN, 465 Main St., Cambridge.[s-tu-th-fr.


Tutoring during the summer at Lawrence Hall, Brattle Street. Latin, Greek, Mathematics, preparatory for college. Experienced.

ERNEST M. BENEDICT.In order to meet the large demand for evening Dress Suits from the students, Mr. Frank D. Somers, of 5 Park Street, Boston, whose reputation is well known, has made a special feature of evening dress and half-dress suits at a reduction from the regular prices. This is for the month of June, and to members of the University only.
