
Football Meeting.

The football meeting in the trophy room last evening was well attended. Catain Cumnock addressed the meeting. His preliminary remarks all tended to assure those present that Harvard will be sure to have a football season next fall of such interest as has never before been seen. There is no doubt that there will be a Yale-Harvard game. The committee at Yale still has Harvard's proposals under consideration; Yale men are anxious to have a league with Harvard, and have proposed to submit to the "special students" clause if Harvard will agree to one annual game to be played at New York city. Harvard feels that athletics are for the students, and if there is only one game, and that at New York, undergraduates will never have a chance to see the great game of the year. Harvard therefore will agree with Yale if Yale will consent to one game every other year at Cambridge, and to one game the intervening year at either New Haven or New York, as Yale may decide. If these proposals are not accepted in time for the game next fall Harvard will challenge Yale to a game at Springfield. Harvard is thus assured of a Yale game and of a most enthusiastic foot ball season.

It is not necessary to play foot ball during the summer, but every candidate is expected to keep in mind that he is to play when college opens, and act accordingly. Boxing, wrestling, tennis and tramping, any out-of-door exercise, is good, because it keeps men in condition. Those rushers who can get back a week early will receive attention and coaching; the backs are expected to come back a week early. Every man must begin to train by September 1st. There are eleven men on the foot ball team and no places are filled now, so that every man, no matter who he is, has a good chance to get on.

In closing, Captain Cumnock urged every man in college to keep his eyes open for men who might possibly play foot ball, and to report such men to him.

Prof. John Williams White then spoke on the definition of an amateur athlete as it is and will be accepted at Harvard henceforth. Those men in college who take part in athletics will soon receive a printed letter which will contain the rule concerning this matter as it was adopted on Jan. 1, with various comments. Following is the letter:




I am requested by the Committee on the Regulation of Athletic Sports to call the attention of all students who have represented Harvard University during the year 1889-90 in any public athletic contest to the following rule. This rule was adopted by the Harvard base ball and football associations in December, 1889, and was afterwards adopted by the committee as a standing regulation, applicable to all sports, to go into effect on Jan. 1, 1890.

"Rule 2. No one shall be allowed to represent Harvard University in any public athletic contest, either individually or as a member of any team, who either before or since entering the University shall have engaged for money in any athletic competition, whether for a stake, or a money prize, or a share of the entrance fees or admission money; or who shall have taught or engaged in any athletic exercise or sport as a means of livelihood; or who shall at any time have received for taking part in any athletic sport or contest, any pecuniary gain or emolument whatever, direct or indirect, with the single exception that he may have received from the college organization, or form any permanent amateur association of which he was at the time a member, the amount by which the expenses necessarily incurred by him in representing his organization in athletic contests exceeded his ordinary expenses."

Under the provisions of this rule any student who, during the summer of 1890, received any compensation whatever for taking part in any athletic sport or contest (with the single exception stated) would be barred from representing Harvard University in any public athletic contests during the next college year and thereafter. The rule means, in brief, that no student is to accept pay in any form whatever for participation in athletic sports. If he engages in them he must do so at his own expense.

The single exception is that, if he is a member of some permanent amateur association, he may receive from this association the amount by which the expenses necessarily incurred by him in representing it in any athletic contest exceed his ordinary expenses, just as during the college year he would receive this amount under similar circumstances from any Harvard athletic association of which he was a member. Permanent amateur association here means an association of recognized standing, and of this he must be a bona fide member.

The Committee publish the rule at this time in order to prevent mistakes, and in order to gives due warning of the consequences of its infringement.

I am, for the Committee,

Very truly yours,

