

No Headline

The great improvements in the elective pamphlet show that the long delay in its publication was not for nothing. A more thorough revision and reorganization has hardly been made since the establishment of the elective system. The grouping of the courses into three classes is a valuable guide to men in choosing the best single course in any department, and in planning a series of electives. This grouping has also led to a revision of, the courses in many departments, with the result of making them more systematic. Some courses which formerly took up subjects partially covered by other courses have now been recast so as to cover distinct ground. Others have been introduced to add a link in a series of consecutive courses, and others have been found wholly unnecessary. The revision has extended to the departments themselves, and has led to the division of the Natural History department into its three branches, a more complete separation even than was indicated in the old pamphlet. The transference of the former Fine Arts 8 to Italian 4, and History 16 to the Philosophy Department also indicate a careful attention to the scope of each department.

The pamphlet as a whole shows a considerable increase in the number of courses, and a still greater increase in the number of elective courses; for two prescribed courses have been dropped. The abolition of English D removes the last traces of prescribed work for seniors, and will be a great relief in the pressure of thesis work of the senior year. Physics A had proved almost as unsatisfactory under its new form as before, and its death will be a relief to every one. The new courses are chiefly in advanced work, especially research. They indicate a growth in university ideas and methods that follows appropriately on the discussion about shortening the college course. The relations between student and instructor will be improved by the increase of conferences and seminaries, which will also stimulate investigation by the students of topics in which they are interested. The special pamphlets published by most of the departments give valuable information to men interested in the subjects, whether they take the courses or not. They give good bibliography of the best editions of works used. In closing it will not be out of place to note the improvement in numbering the courses in many departments.
