
Fact and Rumor.

Exeter closes tomorrow.

The elective pamphlet will be out today.

The June ball at Exeter takes place tonight.

The blue-books in Philosophy 2 have been left in Lawrence Hall.

Smith has been elected captain of the Exeter nine for next year.


The Yale 'varsity crew arrived at New London Saturday afternoon.

V. S. Rothschild, '91, won the 440 yards dash last Saturday at the Acorn Athletic Grounds, Brooklyn.

Make-up examinations for the mid year in History 2, 11 and 12 take place today in Massachusetts Hall.

The Yale and Princeton nines have arranged to play off the tie at Eastern Park, N. Y., Wednesday, June 18.

The Orange Lawn Tennis Club of Orange, N. J., will hold their annual spring open tournament on June 25th and following days. First and second prizes will be awarded in the singles, and first prizes in the doubles. The winner of the singles will play Mr. Clarence Hobart of New York, who now holds the challenge cup. Entries should be made before the 21st to Mr. S. M. Colgate, 55 John St., New York. Fee for singles, $2.00; for doubles, $2.00 each.
